Dear Parents and Guardians,
On behalf of all staff at the Western Québec School Board, I welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year! This is always an exciting time for us, as we welcome your children to a new school year and begin to build relationships with them.
For those of you who are uncertain about transportation, all our school buses will be running, as the strike was resolved.
You will receive information regarding a number of topics from your respective school administrations, including the General Assembly Evening for parents, and Governing Board elections. Please note as well that you will receive information regarding the procedure to submit one’s candidacy to sit as a representative on the WQSB Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) and the Parents’ Committee. You are strongly encouraged to consider representing the parent community on one or more of these committees.
This is inevitably a special time for you as parents, as your children either return to or start school for the first time. It is important that in the event you have questions, concerns, or uncertainties, that you reach out for answers, either to your child’s teacher or administrator.
We want nothing but a successful school year for your child and for you. I encourage you to regularly ask your child about what they are learning at school, what good questions they have asked, what concerns they may have.
Once again, we wish you a happy and successful school year, as we commit to building a stronger learning community!
George Singfield, Director General
Western Québec School Board