Resources and Support for Parents

Your child is the most important person in your life; we understand that. Being a parent and becoming responsible for this whole other human life, well, it can be a little overwhelming at times.

Everything we do revolves around the wellbeing and education of our students. Western Québec is proud to provide quality English language education.  We believe that our programs will make our students capable of succeeding in all corners of this country. We provide a supportive, open and safe learning environment, which helps them reach their full potential.

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See also:

Parents Québec

An initiative of the English Parents Committee Association and the Fédération des comités de parents du Québec Parents.Quebec is intended for parents of school-aged children who want to provide support to their children’s educational success. Visit Parents.Quebec.

Drugs and Alcohol Awareness and Prevention

Our school board has two DART (Drug Awareness Resource Team) technicians who support schools year round. Your child might have referred to them as the drug ladies. They provide drug awareness, prevention and intervention in our elementary and secondary schools. They may support referrals and liaise with outside services to help link students and parents with the appropriate programs available.

Tips on having tough Conversations
The DART team has prepared a resource page to support and provide tips to parents and caregivers when talking to their children and teenagers about substance use: Tips on having tough conversations (Parents/Caregivers)

The Law

Information/Awareness and Tips

Rehabilitation Centres




Technology Support

We understand that all the latest technological advancements can feel a bit overwhelming to parents. Deep down, we all know our children already are, or will become infinitely better with new technologies than we ever will. In addition to supporting the use of these technologies in the classroom, we have prepared a set of resources (below) to help you better support (or catch up with) your child.

Sexuality Education

During school year 2018-2019, the Government of Québec has prepared a set of new sexuality education directives which have been implemented in our schools. Back then, we have sent letters out to parents in this regard:

Sexuality Education falls under our Complementary Services department, which made available additional information on the matter on the Complementary Educational Services page.

Other Matters

Whether it’s about school calendars, bus transportation, special needs or almost anything in between, we can help you find answers on our website using the dropdown menus below.

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