We are very pleased to announce a new addition to our Virtual Library: Biblius. Biblius is an online library of over 400 (mostly) French books, that allow for unlimited users. This is especially helpful when you would like an entire class to read the same novel. The available books cover all grade levels.
Student and staff can access Biblius through our Western Québec Virtual Library, on both the Featured and Books tabs. After clicking the Biblius icon, click the blue button “Se connecter avec Mozaïk” and use your WQSB email credentials.
The Western Québec Virtual Library is a compendium of online resources that support the Québec Education Program. It is full of bilingual, multi-media tools; including books, research databases and encyclopaedias, news and more. Access the Virtual Library anywhere anytime by downloading the WesternQC mobile app on your phone or tablet.
For more information about Biblius please visit Projet Biblius, where students and staff also have access to a number of video tutorials.
Happy Reading!
Suggest an idea for another story or report a typo by email at fraymond@wqsb.qc.ca.