Letter regarding the water testing in our schools and centres

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), Student,

As you may be aware, the Quebec government recently announced plans to reduce the amount of acceptable lead levels in drinking water.  As part of this initiative, the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement Supérieur (MEES) has instructed all school boards in the province to follow up by testing lead content in the water points. 

The Western Québec School Board is currently in the process of following up with the directive; the first mandated action is to ensure that all designated water points in WQSB buildings (sinks, fountains, etc.) have signage providing specific instructions (as per MEES guidelines) regarding usage.  Further to this action, all schools are being tested as per the Ministry guidelines and directives. 

Please note that the Western Québec School Board is fully committed to the safety and well being of all students and staff; it is fundamentally important for our students, parents, and staff members to understand that all necessary precautions and corrective measures will be implemented.

For further information regarding this topic, please consult the link below, provided by the Ministry (only available in French at this time).

Please refer to the following guide:

In the event you have any questions, please email us at the address below and you will receive a timely response.


George Singfield, Secretary General and Director of Corporate Services

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