It is not every day that a 12-foot grand piano and a centuries-old cello are brought into a school gym for an afternoon of classical music, spoken word poetry and song, but on November 3rd that is what took place at Pierre Elliott Trudeau Elementary School (PETES) in downtown Hull.
The school welcomed the Juno Award winning Gryphon Trio and the Listen UP crew, a team of professional musicians and artists to launch a special creative Arts project that will be taking place at the school throughout the year.
The Cycle 2 and 3 students were completely enthralled with the awe-inspiring performances. The core program focuses on engaging participants in music composition, visual arts and spoken word poetry. The program will culminate in a community showcase performance where students will share their incredible creative work.
“We are thrilled that our school will be able to take part in this wonderfully enriching opportunity. We look forward to collaborating, imagining, and creating with the Listen Up artists.”
David McFall, School Principal