The 2024 You Shine Awards

Group photo of everyone in attendance

Every year, the Western Québec School Board hosts an evening gala to proudly recognize and celebrate exceptional staff members across its vast territory.  This year’s event was held on Tuesday, May 14th at the beautiful Gatineau Golf Club in Aylmer.

Upon arrival, many guests enjoyed catching up with colleagues from across the WQSB which underscored the sense of community often felt during these board-wide gatherings.  Once everyone was seated a delicious dinner and dessert were served before the awards show.

The You Shine Awards proudly celebrated all categories of employment this year with support staff, teachers, administrators and professionals being recognized for their excellence.  Our employees work as a team, with each member playing a vital role for our schools, centres and central office to run smoothly and to best serve our students.

There was an unprecedented response to the call for nominations, with 104 names submitted for the awards.  Twenty-six individuals were finally chosen to be recognized by a selection committee.

The hosts for the gala were DG George Singfield and ADG Pascal Proulx, who called upon recipients to be presented their awards by those who had nominated them.  WQSB Chairperson, Wayne Daly, concluded the ceremony with closing remarks, pointing to the great work of our employees in bringing about our reputation for excellence across the WQSB.  After the award portion of the evening, group photos were taken, and a photo booth was available to attendees. 

The Western Québec School Board extends its heartfelt congratulations to all the winners of this year’s You Shine Awards.  Your passion, creativity, talent, kindness, dedication and outstanding work ethic elevate the standard of care and education to our students. People make Western Québec.

Preparation and planning for the You Shine Awards starts at the beginning of the school year and takes a dedicated Recognition Committee to organize. Special thank you to this year’s Recognition Committee members, Amy Curry, Laura D’Alessandro, Andrea Gage, Jo-Anne Georgeadis, Eldon Keon, Claudia Loschmann, James Price, Jenny Svetec, Rachel Vincent and Wendy Wesley for organizing a wonderful celebration.

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